Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jumping In

So I finally decided to try this blog thing....I've been thinking about it for a while and finally convinced myself that I can be dedicated to it and actually post a few blogs every now and then. I probably should have started it a few years back when I began this crazy journey of medical school. Speaking of school....I only have 1 more week left of my Internal Medicine rotation and I'm excited about being done. I have learned a ton and it has been a really good rotation but I'm ready to move on to the next rotation which just happens to be Psych. But before I start that in November I'm going to Australia to see Kendra for 2 weeks! I can't wait to see the country and lay on the beach everyday! Get ready Kenna!!!!

Zach is going through the whole residency/match process....he has decided to try for Neurosurgery and has filled out all the applications and submitted everything and now is the horrible process of waiting for interview invitations from programs. He has gotten 2 requests from the University of Rochester and the University of Louisville so we're both pretty excited and hope that there are more to come! I personally would rather be in KY instead of upstate NY.....especially in the winter! I'll keep everyone updated on the process.....

But now I must go back to watching college Gameday on ESPN!! It's in Athens and I would give anything to be there to watch the game tonight! Go DAWGS!!!!!

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