Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sorry again for the delay....life has been busy and somewhat stressful as match day approaches in less than 3 weeks. Yikes! I'm so ready for it to be over! For reasons I don't want to get into now...Zach's number one choice, University of Louisville, had to pull out of the match and won't be taking residents this year. Needless to say this was very disappointing and Zach has had to restructure his rank list accordingly. As of now this is where his list stands:

1. University of Louisana-Shreveport
2. University of Mississippi
3. Case Western University (Cleveland)
4. University of Rochester (NY)
5. George Washington (DC)
6. University of Missouri
7. University of Maryland (General Surgery position, not Neurosurgery)

However, we did have a wonderful Valentine's Day in Charlotte!!! Driving those cars was amazing and Zach had a really great time.

This is the Lamboghini that we got to drive and it was really fast and scary and a pretty tough car to drive Zach said. The whole tour was awesome and I would highly recommend it!! The guy who runs the program is an anesthesiologist from Charlotte who bought these cars and started this company in November. Everyone who works for him is really cool and they let you have fun driving the cars on the open road without any rules and regulations. You follow a lead car but they drive just as crazy and fast and fun! We were going 110 in a 45mph zone at one point and really got to see what the cars do.

Slight change of plans for Zach and I the next 3 months. I finish Surgery in less than 5 weeks and then have a week off. We are hoping to head to where Zach's matches and house hunt that week...yay!! Then I start an elective for 3 weeks and on April 24th we are going to Vegas for 3-4 days to hang out with the Till side of my family because my cousin is getting married out there. Since the OB disaster happened and I have to wait to do it until August, I needed a rotation in May so I'm actually going to do Family Practice in Utah at the clinic where Zach's dad is a Physician Assistant. So after Vegas, we'll drive up to Salt Lake and spend the month with his parents. Zach is going to help his brother renovate his home and it'll be nice to spend a month with everyone out there because when he starts his residency who knows when we'll ever get out there??

Shocking that Obama is speaking again tonight...I'm sick of all the doom and gloom and his solution being to spend money and bail out companies that were irresponsible to begin with...AND it's cutting into The Biggest Loser...sheesh!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Exciting Weekend!

We are off to drive those fun cars this weekend! I'm looking forward to heading south for some nice weather and seeing mom and Steve!

Halfway done with surgery and match day is 5 weeks away!!! YIKES!! It can't come soon enough yet the anxiety builds everyday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


American Idol is back again this year and I'll admit I had my doubts. I was a religious watcher when it started 8 seasons ago and then I got bored somewhere in the middle...but I decided to try again this year....and...IT'S GREAT!!! I really love it! So that's what I'm doing tonight....while Zach catches up on Hannity on FoxNews but it depresses me so I can't watch it anymore. I think this stimulus bill is bull---t and the liberal loonies are only trying to push their agenda...

That's all for tonight before I go off into an unnecessary and sleep deprived tangent...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

1. Surgery is still going well...can't believe I am almost done with it!

2. I got Zach's Valentine present the other night. I booked him a tour of Charlotte driving a Ferrari, Aston Martin and a Lamborghuni. It is through a company in Charlotte that does these tours with all these expensive cars and they are running a special for Valentine's weekend that includes a one night stay at a really nice hotel in Charlotte. It is a two hour drive and he gets to pick three cars that he wants to drive so these were his choices. So he and I are off to Charlotte next weekend and I'm pretty excited!! I hope the tour goes well and I'm sure we'll have a great time!

3. I'm long call Saturday mean my weekend is shot and I'll spend all day Sunday sleeping :(

4. Zach is at the University of Louisville this weekend taking a second look at the program. As of now this is his first choice of residency spots and he wanted to go see the program again. He met with the chief resident today who alluded to him that he was ranked "favorable" Yay!! Hopefully that means if he ranks them high as well the match will do it's job and we'll be in Louisville come June...keep your fingers crossed until March 16...

5. We might be going to Las Vegas in April for my cousins wedding and I'm excited about that idea.

6. I miss my sister a ton and wish I could talk to her more.

7. I'm really hungry right now and we need groceries so I'm going to have to improvise for dinner :(

8. I think Obama needs to spend more time leading than doing interviews and hosting lunches...the "stimulus" package is a joke.

9. HGTV is my favorite TV channel!

10. Everyday I think more and more about going into OB/Gyn....it makes me excited to think that I might know what I want to specialize in and I can't wait to do that rotation!!