Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting Settled

We are still getting settled in Morgantown....there are boxes that still need to be unpacked, shoes that need a place to live, pictures I can't find a place for and laundry piling up but we are loving our life here! The fence is 99% done (a small portion still needs to be stained), and it looks fantastic! Zach did such an amazing job.

I've had orientation everyday from 8-4 and it is definitely a reality check. Life is about to change dramatically starting Thursday. I think busy and exhausted will be frequently used in my vocabulary. But despite that I am still really excited to get started. The learning curve is going to be large and I'll spend most days overwhelmed but welcome to residency. Zach is at the VA for his first 2 months. Unfortunately the VA is 45 minutes away and he won't get to come home much. The surgery department furnishes an apartment for the residents that complete rotations down there.

We had a date night last night and decided on dinner at the Olive Garden and a movie. We really wanted to see Robin Hood but for some reason it wasn't at the theaters here....strange? So we went to Toy Story 3.....very cute in some parts and pretty cheesy in others. No where near as good as the first one. And Zach is a good sport for sitting through a Disney movie with me on our date night.

Today we did more fence staining and tried to go for a hike out at Coopers Rock but as we were driving the bottom fell out of the sky and traffic on the interstate was at a stand still so we turned around. Tonight we are going to try out our new grill for the first time!! Steaks and sweet summertime!!

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