Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lovin' it...

The small town life that is....Morgantown has been wonderful! It has about 25,000 people and when the students come back in the fall that number will double. Coming from Baltimore, it's so refreshing to be in this smaller community. We have meet 4 of our neighbors, 4 more people than we met the 3 years we lived in Bmore. Granted the average age of our neighbors here is 73 but they are so friendly! One man even brought over cookies that his wife had made for us! I love that kind of stuff and it is so rare to meet people that still do that!

Zach is busy putting up the fence outside and loving all the home projects. He is completely in his element. I am still working on unpacking boxes...totally NOT my element! I wish I could just wave a wand and have it all be done and organized the way I want it....We are really enjoying the new house though and being able to call Morgantown home.

I started orientation at the hospital Wednesday and it will continue until July 1st and then I will officially start on the Labor and Delivery floor. I'm definitely anxious and nervous but very excited! We went to a dinner last night honoring the outgoing 4th year residents and I know that these next 4 years are going to fly by and I'll be sitting in their position. I am 100% comfortable here and feel like this is the place for me.....

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