Monday, July 5, 2010

New Job

Well I have officially started working at the hospital...last Thursday was my first day! And it was INSANE! So many patients and women in labor. It was overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. I had no idea what I was doing and tried to help as much as possible, but it's a whole new computer system to learn and as an intern you just don't know anything! The learning curve is going to be so great and I am really excited for that! I followed the senior resident around alot those first 2 days. I had my first 24 hour call Saturday and started to feel a little bit more comfortable. I delivered a couple babies and assisted in a c-section! I don't think the job of watching babies be born will ever get old! Unfortunately we didn't get any sleep and I spent most of yesterday in the bed! Did manage to wake up in time to head downtown and listen to some music and watch the fireworks over the river. First 4th of July in Morgantown!

Zach started Thursday as well but he is at the VA which is about 45 minutes away. I'm off today because it is still a holiday (we are state employees) but Zach is on call. I slept in this morning and it was glorious. Today is going to consist of cleaning the house, relaxing and possibly reading up on c-sections!

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