Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Last weekend we took off for West Virginia again to meet the inspector on the house and do some things for the hospital (like get put on the payroll!). Inspection went alright...a couple things came up that we negotiated with the sellers and we finally signed the final contract today! The last hurdle is waiting for the appraisal and making sure the contract we settled on isn't more than what the appraised price is. Given the deal we got on the house, we should be alright, but fingers crossed until we know everything for sure!

I've got some pictures of the house but I'm not going to post them until it is officially "ours." Barring any unforseen circumstances we should be closing on June 4th!!! It's so exciting and we are both ready to move on to the next phase of our life! Zach has already printed blueprints and rendered drawings of all that he wants to do to upgrade the house. I am truly marrying Mr. Fix-it and he can't wait to get his hands on it! He looks at the Lowes and Home Depot websites everyday for tool bargains! We've already bought 4 nail guns this week and it's only Wednesday!!

Wedding details are slowly getting done. We ordered all the candy for the candy buffet and I must is going to be awesome!!! We have around 16 containers for the candy and ordered so many different kinds! We also are working on getting the placecards finished and today we went and bought fabric for the guests to sign. I am cutting out 3x3 inch squares for the guests to leave their well wishes and then my grandma is going to sew them into a tapestry quilt that we'll be able to hang in our new house!

Just want to send a shout out to my brother...they ran at the Southern Conference championships last weekend and his 4x400 team placed first! His 4x100 team was third and he placed 6th individually in the 100 and 200 and was named to the All-Freshman team. Keep up the good work Dano!! We are so proud of you! I can't believe you are almost done with your freshman year at The Citadel!

I'm off to watch my trashy reality shows since Zach is STILL working nights on transplant! I think tonight is America's Next Top Model...and of course American Idol results!

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