Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Reasons why I am stressed:
1. residency applications
2. scheduling a subinternship
3. pediatric shelf exam
4. step 2
5. pediatric write up
6. moving out of apartment
7. finishing personal statement
8. obtaining letters of recommendations
9. having a long distance relationship again
10. trying to plan a wedding amongst all this craziness

I'm just patiently trying to wait for the end of September to get here because by that time all of these will be crossed off the list except wedding planning!

But speaking of the wedding we are thisclose to a date. We just have to get confirmation from Zach's chief resident about the date to make sure he will have it off. I'm going to keep it and the venue a secret until we know for sure and then I will post it! I'm more excited than ever before about all of this!!! Despite the stress of life right now I have so many things to be thankful for...and marrying my best friend and supporter is at the top of the list! Along with a tremendous family!!!

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