Monday, March 16, 2009

And the results are in...

Unfortunately no Neurosurgery this year. But he did match at a Preliminary General Surgery position at the University of Maryland. This means that he will have a one year fixed position at Maryland (getting paid!) and next year he'll have to go through the match process again and decide if he wants to reapply for Neurosurgery or something else. U of Maryland is a FANTASTIC program and is truly the best scenario for us if Neurosurg wasn't going to work out. So we'll be in Baltimore for another year and I'll finish my electives here and then next March we'll be going through this again :( But at least we'll know where we'll be for the next year and we don't have to worry about moving.

Zach is somewhat disappointed that Neurosurg didn't work out this year but we are both strong believers that everything happens for a reason and all of this was meant to be....we're happy and really positive about this next chapter of our lives!

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